By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were exchanging some naughty pictures. I accidentally sent one to everybody on my contacts, including my ex, my boss, and even Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 209
You deserved it 454

Top comments

terrta_merrta 0
Ashleyxphobia 0


OPT911 0

This stuff doesn't accidentally happens. You wanted to f yourself up subconsciously. Stop doing stupid things.

Lmao..if you sent it through text, Pizza Hut definitely did not see them

Colby_Colbert 0

im sure ur dick is too small to see so ur ok jackass

Really? You're one of those people? Who cracks small-penis jokes to random people you've never met on the internet? You must have been/or are a real douchebag in school. All I know is that you posted that comment, knowing you weren't gonna get the shit beat out of you for saying that. I hope posting that comment made you feel good inside, since there probably isn't anyone else that remotely likes you in real life.

FAKE, fake fml's always you sent something to your ex or boss.

dg72592_fml 0

hahahahahaa yo pizza hut is gonna enjoy that one!

littlemisslee 0

pizza hut must love you! I bet you'll get free pizza everytime you walk in from now on!

DarthJeff 0

Sweet. Now you can accuse your boss of having child ****!

He didn't say he was sending from his phone. Possibly "emailed" it to everyone.

Yikes, hon! Be careful with that stuff. SUPER careful! I have mine LOCKED and only send over secure things where I couldn't possibly accidentally send it to others.