By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were exchanging some naughty pictures. I accidentally sent one to everybody on my contacts, including my ex, my boss, and even Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 209
You deserved it 454

Top comments

terrta_merrta 0
Ashleyxphobia 0


and your dad, your mom, your sister and brother, that creepy girl your gave you number, the bestfriends thats always been into you. have fun with that

1st off: why is pizza hut in your contacts?; 2nd off: since you sent it from your phone, pizza hut probably won't see it since they don't answer on cell phones; 3rd off, this would be even better if you had your parents cell numbers in the contacts lolz.

No offense but it wasn't smart of you to even send those pics in the first place I say DOWN WITH SEXTING!!

You people need to learn how to text like. Pizza Hut properly made me LOL though.

Quinklong 0

I don't know what's worse, you sending it to everyone on your contacts, or that you have pizza hut on your contacts.

i love how you assume the OP is a guy. totally judgemental & hypocritical

jewelzgalore 0

It looks like someone's getting a raise! (Hope your boss is gay for your sake)

bosco_kk 0

You've been a naughty naughty texter.... Now you can break up with her with no worries about her sharing your already shared pics.

I'm calling fake on this on. How do you accidetally send it to all your contacts? You can't even do that without selecting all the contacts you want to send a message to.

pinkdinosaur64 0

i'm sure you've learned your lesson about sending naked pictures, dumbest idea EVER.