By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were exchanging some naughty pictures. I accidentally sent one to everybody on my contacts, including my ex, my boss, and even Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 209
You deserved it 454

Top comments

terrta_merrta 0
Ashleyxphobia 0


ugly PS ur a cheese pizza with anchovies covered all over it


Why does he deserve it for having pizza hut in his contacts? The hell? Its easier then looking up the number every time you want to order a pizza. @OP: lol. epic fail.

wait, would pizza hut give you free food for sending naked pictures?! :D well **** yes!! id send naked pictures for free food!! but hey, maybe your boss is into that kinda stuff and give you a raise? ;)

and numba 76, who says hes using a phone? on email, i have a send all bottom, and i accidentally click it all the time. think before you say something, you just sound stupid.

love_to_laugh44 0

yeah. sure. 1. i've already seen tons of FMLs like this. 2. classic movie moment FML 3. YDI anyway for sending the pics in the first place [trying].

burberry_fml 0

I love how you assume the boss is a man automatically. Total sexism right there.

tbbays04 0