By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were exchanging some naughty pictures. I accidentally sent one to everybody on my contacts, including my ex, my boss, and even Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 209
You deserved it 454

Top comments

terrta_merrta 0
Ashleyxphobia 0


quietgirl 0

I think I know who this is:)

King_of_Kings 3

wwhy do you have pizza hut in your contact list? and this is funny as hell if all of you reading this are interested in seeing Things That Deserve To Be Destroyed, follow this link -

sireen 0

on some phones you can txt all contacts. and you CAN text pizza hit to make an order. I'm pretty sure they can receive picture messages too.

That's REALLY sad that you have Pizza Hut in your contacts.

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure Pizza Hut doesn't have picture mail.

nikki1001 0

How is it weird to have Pizza Hut in your contacts? If that's where he orders pizza from, then it makes sense to have their number. I'm sure he doesn't order pizza everyday and thus, remembers the number. Who cares. I have their number in my phone as well. Anyway. That sucks. I always save that kind of stuff in drafts and then double check. Take note