By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were exchanging some naughty pictures. I accidentally sent one to everybody on my contacts, including my ex, my boss, and even Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 209
You deserved it 454

Top comments

terrta_merrta 0
Ashleyxphobia 0


it's obvious that it was sent my email!!! u can make folders with all ur contacts so duhhhh! FYL

whoahanna 0

Ok, Pizza Hut is not a cell phone, therefore it cannot receive texts. And like many people are saying, since when is there a 'SEND TO ALL' button on phones? If this is true, YDI. But it's most likely fake.

Pizza Hut is a land they wouldn't see your pic most likely.

009yp 0

Bet pizza hut liked ur small sasuage on their pizzas

pizza hut uses a landline you idiot. they are not going to receive your pics. also YDI for not knowing how to operate your own phone

He didn't say phone. Failure at reading comprehention...

grungecat 0

YDI for having Pizza Hut as one of your contacts.