By panicromanceX3 - 26/04/2009 08:44 - United States

Today, my friends and I spent hours on the Disney website playing in Pixie Hollow. We made our own fairies and flew around completing tasks for TinkerBell and her fairy friends. We're in college, and this is how we spent our Saturday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 868
You deserved it 63 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

this is not how i'm supposed to spend college nights?

Lady_Luck 0

I'm 17 and I just went to go check out this "Pixie Hollow" game. FML.


I'm 15 and play with Beanie Babies 2.0... and now I'm off to check out Pixie Hollow XD

Funtertaining11 0

NIce. But it's not that bad. I like a lot of things that i should be too old for. I'm not in college yet, but I wouldn't blame you. I play there sometimes. I used to play a lot of games on Cartoon Network. So no worries.

aynonymous 0

YDI. get youreslf out this should not be posted on fml. it was all your control. next time, say to your friends" you know whay guys, theres a frat next door. lets go party like real college students."

choppedNskrewed 0

haha that's pretty badass. sounds like something my friends and i would do (not that we have or anything...heh. heh. heh.)

BurnTheVegan 0

@4: Same, haha! It could be much worse.

rt523 0

hahaha thats awesome! my sweetmates and i played super smash brothers in my dorm til like 4 in the morning last night!

Hey man, it's a great MMO. I'm in college and I paid for membership so I could make myself clothes and do more missions for the other fairies. It's so much fun! :D

quite frankly, i'm shocked you have friends. aren't friends for hanging out with. unless you define hanging out by going on pixie hollow & ;D dearie, i'm 13. i don't even do that.

That's not that bad. Half my dorm downloaded rom players and you know what they did? They got the gameboy ones and played poke'mon. For two weeks. Constantly.

orkyd 0

As long as you're not doing it alone and on a consistent basis, there's nothing wrong with it. Just be grateful you have friends as weird as you.