By panicromanceX3 - 26/04/2009 08:44 - United States

Today, my friends and I spent hours on the Disney website playing in Pixie Hollow. We made our own fairies and flew around completing tasks for TinkerBell and her fairy friends. We're in college, and this is how we spent our Saturday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 868
You deserved it 63 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

this is not how i'm supposed to spend college nights?

Lady_Luck 0

I'm 17 and I just went to go check out this "Pixie Hollow" game. FML.


Lady_Luck 0

@ 112 :: You're 13. Stop calling people "dearie" and shut up. Kay, thanks.

brb, googling. i'm 21... sounds fun to me!

photographer_fml 0

you guys are sooooooo hardcore....haha xD

it's okay, i sometimes spend my weekend nights playing xbox :)

You were probably high and looking at ****

You know what, me too. Until I ran out of missions and realized I couldn't buy anything because I didn't have a membership. If I wasn't a poor college student, I'd get one probably, or beg my parents.

beccablez 0

#34 AGREED. for example, I submitted this story a few weekends ago that legit happened to one of my roommates: Today, my bf told me what happened last night: while giving him oral, puked, denied it when he asked me, then asked if it would be weird if we still had sex, & proceeded to do so after he told me yes it would be. then I stood up, spilled wine all over the floor and my laptop, put on a towel & went to the br to puke again, where I flashed my friend's brother by mistake. FML seriously, that's A LOT funnier than the OP's story.

#133 that's not funny, it's not even coherent. It just seems to say you were a drunken retard.

i'm just as bad, and in college too. ;|

Ibeapirate 0

I'm 20. My friends and I have spent saturday nights doing even dorkier things. You are not alone, my friend.