By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 16:13 - United States

Today, my friend thought it would be funny to hack my Facebook and "like" everybody's statuses. This includes my boyfriend's about his grandmother dying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 328
You deserved it 6 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for saying your friend "hacked it". Your friend did not hack into Facebook.


bh0p 0

didn't I see an FML like this except it wasn't hacking and they just liked everyones status

lmaourlifeismess 0
DizzyDaydreams 1

the dude hacked her account. easy as pie. the friend must have guessed her password. well bad luck! it was friday the 13th!

hug_the_wall 0

thats kinda dramatic for your boyfriend to flip like that :P and thats not much of a friend is it??

XDarknessX 0

Not really i would have reacted the same way, if some one did that after my grandma passed away. OP yes FYL that sucks for you

varkey 7

his grandma died and YOUR life sucks?? maybe you are insensitive but still, FYL

I lol'd pretty hard at this one. Your friend is awesome.

sallen0046 4

First of all, this isn't a movie. You're friend isn't a "hacker", either your told them your password or you chose something stupid and easily guessed. Learn the lesson and start choosing secure passwords before someone steals your identity. Secondly, you've proved that you are an insensitive bitch. You're boyfriend's grandmother died, but your life is ****** because someone logged into your Facebook? I think not.

too_dopee 0

you do know that its possible to "unlike" it in case you accidently "like" it, so ydi.