By Mudge - 25/02/2016 22:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my friend said that his dad told him we couldn't hang out anymore, he thinks I'm a bad influence because I don't have all 90's in my classes. The only reason he knows I have below a 90 is because he's my geography teacher. I have an 87. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 504
You deserved it 1 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it just me or does he flat-out dont like you?

The way I see it is he either just dislikes you a lot and was looking for an excuse, or he expects everyone to be a perfectionist. An 87 is still an A in a lot of places. You should try to hang out with your friend anyways, and great job with your grades, by the way.


Is it just me or does he flat-out dont like you?

Justineer_fml 8

Plot twist: the friend doesn't like him and he's using his father as an excuse to get out of hanging with him.

ananicosia 28

You should be disappointed in yourself OP, everyone should always have all A's in their classes

Being completely honest. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

I'm convinced its sarcasm. An exclamation point at the end would've probably made it easier to catch.

ananicosia 28

I was most definitely being sarcastic. I don't expect everyone to have all A's

The way I see it is he either just dislikes you a lot and was looking for an excuse, or he expects everyone to be a perfectionist. An 87 is still an A in a lot of places. You should try to hang out with your friend anyways, and great job with your grades, by the way.

An 87 is an A in some places? Well goodbye Colorado I'm moving there!

In many Australian schools, an A grade is 75 and above

In my high school, you had to get a 93% to count as an A grade. What a shock when I went to college and found out you only need 90 there.

Justineer_fml 8

Holy shit, it checks out. You can have 50% or above and still pass in Australia. Wtf.

Hey! People scoring above 90s can also be bad influence! #Justsayin.

Lame excuse, he just doesn't like. Hope you can sort this out OP

I think grades are so overrated... And this is from someone who has a. 4.0 gpa in college right now..

In a lot of places an 87 is actually a B or a B+ and a 90 is the minimum grade for an A-

Oh. Well where I'm from a 93 is the lowest A

Wow that is harsh. Were I am 75 and above is an A