By emilyxoxoxo - 21/03/2009 16:11 - United States

Today, my friend and I thought it would be funny if we could both fit into her big sweatpants. When we tried to take a step, she fell on top of me. She started peeing uncontrollably. We had to cut ourselves out of the sweatpants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 620
You deserved it 37 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i once got stuck in a recliner with my best friend and had to pee. She didn't believe me and wouldn't let me up, and I was really stuck. Her not letting me up made me mad and then I started laughing nervously because I didn't know what to do, and ended up peeing all over her and the chair...

Wth is your friend a dog?! lol PEOPLE don't randomly start peeing... unless she's got incontinence problems lol


mehwhateverr 0

Damn. There's medicines for people with bladder problems. You need to suggest some to your friend.

#9, if you think people use this site to get attention, then why are you using it? Douche.

Trooth 13

rofl! that definitely made my day. Although a little disgusting lol

fillmyheart028 0

Yumm. Nothing better then being suck in a pair of sweatpants soaking wet from your best friends pee. ...delish. not.

eww thats disgusting...if you are two fat chicks... if you are two skinny girls, im kinda turned on

Yeah, I'm finding this really hot, as long as they were skinny.

maybe she had to go really bad and she couldn't help it if not then she should really go to the doctor and have that problem checked out well at least you were refreshed if the temperature was hot

vt_mruhlin 0

OK, if your friend has a peeing problem, you should have known, and therefore deserve it.