By Jane - 28/04/2016 03:58 - United States - Beaver Falls

Today, my fiancé tells me he loves me about 100 times a day. At first it was cute, but now it's getting really annoying. We can't have a conversation without him throwing in about 10 "I love you"s. I'm beginning to not want to talk to him anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 800
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

Thought about talking to him about it? Might be a good start.


The more someone says it, the less it means. explain this concept to him.

at least talk to the guy first ask and no matter what he says just be like calm the **** down with the I love yous

Maybe be thankful you have someone who loves you and is willing to tell you, just a thought.

as always whatever the issue is, you have to say to that person I want to talk to you about something. Think ahead of time of what you want to say, try to keep it short because each little topic will be time consuming. Don't speak from an emotional state (angry/sad) calm your mind because the other person may freak out. Then be honest just as you said "at first it was kinda cute, but now its annoying", be willing to listen but just be honest. Of course he'll probably be offended or something else but as a person you're planning on being with forever its important to be able to speak about things you don't like since you're "in love" you will forever be making alterations to yourself to better the other person and vice versa. It takes two to tango you need to speak how you feel, both of you. Otherwise you'll end up married unhappily or divorced. COMMUNICATION IS KEY.

he sounds like the type that when they end a relationship they start of with "I love you but....,"

I had the same thing happen to me. Then he started calling me his ME and others. Like not hey baby, hey wife. We were only dating. Couldn't have a decent conversation without a a billion I love yous. He's now engaged to a girl he's known for two months.... OP let this guy go be crazy with someone else. It's gonna be a long dreadful relationship.

That seems extreme. When you decide to get married, you also decide that you're going to deal with the other person's annoying habits. Maybe op has a few of their own. You don't leave someone you love over that.

Your situation was different. As you said you were only dating, the op is engaged. Meaning she's in love with him and wants to be together forever. It doesn't sound like you loved your ex. They need to discuss things and work through problems not dismiss everything and leave someone they love for being over-affectionate.

My first boyfriend was like that. He even wrote me poetry and said he couldn't breathe without me. It was all a lie. He didn't respect me and sexually assaulted me. I dropped him like a hot potato and never looked back.

I tend to say I love you a lot. In my case, anytime someone leaves I know they can die. I want them to know I love them. So even if I'm upset or we fight I try to tell them I love them, because I'm scared it might be the last time I see them.

I can relate to this. My husband and I rarely leave each other without an "I love you" and it's because we've both lost people important to us (like many have) and we want to make sure that, when the other one leaves, they leave with the reminder that they are loved. One of my biggest fears is that someone I love will die thinking I hate them.

i do the same thing! but in my case i almost lost my mother. so i say it everytime someone leaves my house, even my boyfriend catches it.

Snaxia 12

Pretty sure we can assume she is uncomfortable. Her fiancé seems pretty overbearing at this point and it would certainly be advantageous to talk with him about it. Hopefully she gets this whole situation solved!