By Coldsnap - 12/08/2011 17:25 - Sweden

Today, my father tricked me into eating a Tasmanian habanero, saying it was just another pepper. The burning in my mouth was unbearable, but nothing compared to when I took a shit later in the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 837
You deserved it 5 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With a name like "Tasmanian habanero", I'd steer clear.


kenjames 4

Like this story hasn't been told 1000 times before.

This gives a whole new tone to the phrase "Ayyyy PAPI!"

Ooh... That's not a good thing... Man I thought a burning mouth was bad enough. Don't trust him with peppers again.

Fire in the hole! Don't melt the toilet there OP

Try doing the exact same thing, except ******** (several times) in your boyfriend's toilet cos you stayed there the night, only to be dumped the following week by said boyfriend, who's reason is that he's "no longer attracted to you" Hope you feel better x

I don't doubt it. Was a pretty hot chilli