Today, on Judge Judy…

By thanks ma - 29/05/2020 02:00

Today, all of my credit cards were frozen due to fraud. The culprit? My own mother. She rationalized it by saying I "owed" her for raising me. She didn’t even raise me. My grandma did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 064
You deserved it 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyufd 24

sue her ass and never talk to her again

it sucks since it's your mom, but you should definitely take that to court.


Boyufd 24

sue her ass and never talk to her again

it sucks since it's your mom, but you should definitely take that to court.

Cut ties with her the best thing to do with a selfish parent is let them go because you owe them nothing they are only you’re biological mom and they don’t deserve you’re love.