By yuck - 17/07/2019 14:15

Today, my father informed me that he is going to divorce his bitch of a wife, but told me not to say anything to mess things up, in case he wants to "hit that one more time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 913
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a discusting view he has of the woman he’s married to 🤮 so dehumanising.

“One more time? Just one? Dad, get you some Viagra, dude!”


What a discusting view he has of the woman he’s married to 🤮 so dehumanising.

Yes. That’s wwhy he called her a bitch and is divorcing her

That’s not a nice way to talk about your mom! You know this makes you literally a son of a bitch?

“One more time? Just one? Dad, get you some Viagra, dude!”

Wadlaen 23

Are we to guess that 'that bitch of a wife' of his is your step-mom..? Or is it your mother he is talking about?😂