By gj09 - 22/11/2009 20:03 - United States

Today, my family sat me down and told me I was spending way too much time with my boyfriend and not enough time with them. My boyfriend has been away in Iraq for six months and just came home a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 727
You deserved it 2 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DBkkk 0

That is mad messed up. Go spend some time with him. I betchu he loves you that's what counts.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Jeez, your family is selfish. Maybe appease them both and do things as a family and invtie your boyfriend?


dspadres 0

I hope OP gets a ton of emails for making that her name.

SFMember 0

OP, I'm assuming that because you're dating a military member, you're a grown ass woman. Being a grown ass woman, its about time that you do stuff with other people OTHER then your family. If they're so concerned with who you're spending your time with other then them, then you've been spending WAY too much time with them. It also makes me assume that you live with your family, in which they care that you're not home as much, which tells me that you need to move the **** out. But, keep spending time with your boyfriend. I applaud you for staying with him while he was deployed. Speaking from experience, most girlfriends (and boyfriends) don't wait.

I'm a military kid, and it seems to be a pretty common thing for wives/girlfriends to spend more time with their families when their significant other is deployed. You miss that "family feeling" so you go home to have it a little. Looks like mommy and daddy ate that shit up and now don't want to share.

Uh, your facebook says that you're married and you have a photo of you and your husband. So this FML entry is making me really confused, unless you're cheating on your husband. Or if you guys had a Khloe Kardashian type of wedding.

athame1983 0 what? who cares what they think oh and btw...ppl who are 'sooo crazy in looove' always put their status as married even when theyre not--fb married is the new 'going steady' lol

They have wedding photos up. So unless they got bored and decided to pay for a wedding dress, flowers, hire a priest (I think that's who does the wedding ceremony), and tell their friends & family to dress up and watch, then I would have to say that they're married.

Maybe the used someone else's email address because they don't like that person and expected that we would spam the hell out of them and start facebook stalking :)

macgruberiscool 0

OP, your family are idiots. He just came back from Iraq. Spend time with him. You'll see your family on Thanksgiving anyway.

afternine 0

Sounds like your family is pretty clingy. You need to put a stop to that or they'll end up in the house next door, visiting you every day for the rest of your natural born life.

catastrophicsock 0

Well I see you learned to make your facebook page private. Good. Next time, don't put your email. Addressing others about the wedding and stuff: Maybe this happened in the past and she deemed it good enough to post. I agree with a lot of the posts, you have the right to do what you want. Your family is being needy and there is nothing wrong with spending a lot of time with your boyfriend, ESPECIALLY since he was gone for so long.

alex_vik 0
VincentUSMC18738 0

Well how long is he home?? just tell your family to nicely F%$^ off :)