By gj09 - 22/11/2009 20:03 - United States

Today, my family sat me down and told me I was spending way too much time with my boyfriend and not enough time with them. My boyfriend has been away in Iraq for six months and just came home a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 727
You deserved it 2 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DBkkk 0

That is mad messed up. Go spend some time with him. I betchu he loves you that's what counts.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Jeez, your family is selfish. Maybe appease them both and do things as a family and invtie your boyfriend?


Greenknight 0

Wow, wish my ex was like OP. I was in Iraq 16 months. My ex spent everything and ditched me when I got home. She was carrying on an emotional affair the entire marriage and it was easier for her to ditch me since I was away from her for so long so she tells me she never loved me as a spouse. The last thing she wanted was to spend time with me.

not fml but **** your family there ****** idiots

SickOfThisScene 0

spend a lot of time with your boyfriend, he needs you. he's fighting for this country, he can die at any second. please spend time with him, and love him. and dont cheat on him or leave him. and spend time with your family when he goes back, and make sure he gets to see and do the things he wants while he's back home!! thanks!!! : )

TrueRaiderFan22 0

so he is a marine cuz my dad deployed for 6th months. and all marines deploy for 6 months

ur family is full of bufoons. no offense, of course.

SkateboardGirl88 11
Birdie33429 7
wowwiewowwow 1