Hat Up

By Anonymous - 30/01/2021 13:01 - United Kingdom - Oxford

Today, my partner was sent 450 miles away by the army, after he had been home for only 22 hours. Yesterday they told him he could come home for 2 weeks. I guess the British army doesn't want me to be happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 852
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxlk4xx 6

my sisters husband was away for 6 months and I know it was really hard for her! her husband joined the military well into the relationship. whatever it is you're feeling is valid! you're allowed to be sad, angry, frustrated!

tounces7 27

Damn did they send him to France or something? Britain isn't even 450 miles wide, and it's barely that long.


xxlk4xx 6

my sisters husband was away for 6 months and I know it was really hard for her! her husband joined the military well into the relationship. whatever it is you're feeling is valid! you're allowed to be sad, angry, frustrated!

tounces7 27

Damn did they send him to France or something? Britain isn't even 450 miles wide, and it's barely that long.

Or maybe more likely between Scotland and England? There are definitely bases in the North of Scotland and the South of England which they can be sent between.

tounces7 27

I was including Scotland. You have to go from like the very southern part of England to the very northern part of Scotland for it to be 450 miles.

coius 23

I travel that west, and don’t even leave my state! (nebraska, USA)