By ProudMamma - 14/09/2016 01:50 - Canada - Oakville

Today, my ex came back into my life, professing his love and begging for another chance. This begging act ended rather suddenly once he remembered I have a daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 340
You deserved it 1 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

askullnamedbilly 33

How the hell did he manage to forget about that though? 'Oh, I miss her, I can't live my life without her, I can't wait until we move in together and have child- ah damn it, I KNEW I was forgetting about something!'

friedpwnadge 25

At least you won't have to worry about him again! Unless he forgets again...


friedpwnadge 25

At least you won't have to worry about him again! Unless he forgets again...

"Wait, you mean there's a little version of you running around? Um, ... never mind."

= ("you can do better" + "you deserve better") / 2 + "?"

What a douche. Sounds like you dodged a bullet.

askullnamedbilly 33

How the hell did he manage to forget about that though? 'Oh, I miss her, I can't live my life without her, I can't wait until we move in together and have child- ah damn it, I KNEW I was forgetting about something!'

I assumed it was her daughter from a relationship after him, seeing as she said "I have a daughter" and not "I had his daughter".

askullnamedbilly 33

Well yeah, it's pretty clear it's not HIS kid, or OP would've written 'we have a daughter'. However, he clearly knew about the child already or he would've found out about it, not remembered. So... how the hell do you forget about that? Or did he assume she'd somehow gotten rid of her daughter by now? 'Oh man - you STILL have that thing? I mean, how long do those things LIVE?! You should really think about giving it to a shelter, this is getting ridiculous.'

Le_ponderer 14

Another reason to keep him on the "nope" list. He either loves all of you or not at all.

Your daughter saved you a lot of trouble with just her existence. You deserve better anyway.

Your life doesn't suck. You just need a real man that's all. Those aren't easy to find, but worth he wait ;) hang in there. This is coming from a single mom in her 20s who's been single for 7 years.

harleyivy 7

He obviously doesn't care and love you that much if he forgot you had a kid. Seriously, who does that?