By hannax - 16/08/2016 17:26 - United Kingdom - Southampton

Today, I was spending the night at my fiancé's house. He knew my period was about to start, so he asked if he needed to put a tarp down on the bed. He was dead serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 327
You deserved it 1 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That seems a bit like overkill, doesn't it? You should just stick to the standard practice of covering yourself in Saran Wrap and hopping around the house.

Maybe he meant put a tarp down during sex. It can sometimes be a little messy. Although a towel would make more sense in that case


He's just uninformed. Don't blame him OP. Unless he's being a douchebag, then you should have a talk with him :)

slapstick1982 20

I don't see the problem here. period sex isn't bad.

You sir. Clearly don't know what is actually going on inside a woman on her period then.

well then enlighten me, oh mighty one.

Lizzy500 16

Depends on the uterus involved.

Isa_fml 20

I think the point is that a TARP is kind of overkill.

I dunno I've been in situations where using a tarp would have saved some perfectly good towels. Not exactly sexy though, is it?


Throw down some towels and make a crime scene.

maybe he didn't want to ruin his towels and a tarp was the only other thing he had. I still don't understand why this is an fml unless the whole point was that OPs fiancé didn't know about tampons or pads and thought she needed a tarp to keep her from bleeding everyone not just during sex. but other than that, it literally makes zero sense.

How do you stay that uninformed all the way to marriage age, it seems almost as if he just doesn't care enough to learn.

If he was raised in a conservative / religious environment, it is quite possable that he may not know basic biology. Example: One of my freinds was so 'in the dark' that they spent half of their honeymoon bringing him 'up to speed' knowledge wise. As the 'adults' around him only told him what not to do, and avoided / warped the facts.

unless you grow up with sisters you're. not going to know very much about women's periods it's not really a common topic of casual conversation

If he is dead serious. Sit him down and advice him regarding the fact that it's 2017 and things like pads and tampons exists. This isn't just for you as it will help to prevent him from future embarrassment amongst his friends and strangers. Lol ignorance isn't always bliss sometimes.

I reckon the FML is about him wanting to have sex during her period. Some couples do it, though it can be a bit messy.

Giving advice from the future? Now that's impressive!

Or maybe OP's boyfriend was trying to make a joke.

So should she just wait 5 months or so to give him that advice?

The OP clearly states "he's serious" so the fiancé was not joking.

AkameGaKill 11

I don't understand why this has many dislikes

#64, I think it's most likely because she got the year wrong and then commented about people's ignorance.

*comma after dead serious *advise, not advice *2016 you're right, ignorance isn't always bliss. neither is bad punctuation, spelling, and lack of knowledge of what year it is

Maybe he meant put a tarp down during sex. It can sometimes be a little messy. Although a towel would make more sense in that case

He's probably the type who doubles up on condoms for "extra protection" too

That seems a bit like overkill, doesn't it? You should just stick to the standard practice of covering yourself in Saran Wrap and hopping around the house.

yet another off-the-wall halarious(sp?) comment keep it up

??? omg too funny! But seriously period sex is amazing and it actually aids in the cramping and makes the cycle shorter. I do however always but a towel down just in case but rarely have I ever had any "mess" after. missionary is the best way during that time I think bc gravity can't ruin it that way lol

It was probably just a joke, OP. Lighten up.