By Anonymous - 16/08/2016 08:26 - United States - Wasilla

Today, I was woken up by my dad screaming that the ship was sinking. I started freaking out before I realized that I was sleeping on my couch at home and was not in fact on a ship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 878
You deserved it 1 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And if you decide to have children someday, you will do the same.


Well, it's a creative new version of 'the floor is lava!'

this is like clapping a sleeping person awake. they wake up clapping, Sorry this happened though. FYL

And if you decide to have children someday, you will do the same.

Was your dad also asleep? Because I once had a night terror and woke my then partner up by screaming that we were going to crash! I woke myself up too, and was in such a panic it took him a long time to calm me down.

Watching too much Deadliest Catch or Wicked Tuna?

One_In_Three 24

Better make that your morning alarm then.

StiffPvtParts 43

Sounds like your dad might've gonna a little overboard there.