By Does this thought count? - 01/08/2014 00:17 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my ex-boyfriend surprised me with a gorgeous, giant stuffed tiger as a belated birthday gift. I thought it was a lovely gesture until a friend told me she had thrown it in the dumpster behind our building this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 839
You deserved it 3 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Of course your friend might be lying because she doesn't want you to get back with your ex....

I think I understand the reason why he is your ex-boyfriend.

I feel it's kinda weird that he's hanging around behind your apt..

PassiveAggresive 12

I wonder why he is your ex....

Did he give the tiger to your friend first and somehow realize she threw it in the dumpster and then gave it to you? Or did he just randomly find it while dumpster diving? I'm not sure which one is worse.

The fact you think you have to dumpster dive to be able to just reach and grab something mind blows me

#19, it was another mans treasure, but not his lady's.

either way i am hoping he is still your ex

B1ackthesun 31

I thought he was already her ex and trying to win her back with the belated gift. She thought it was a nice gesture (so it was working) until she realised where it came from...

I hope your friend wasn't lying if he became your ex after you found out about this bit of information. Your ex has one dirty mind.

He obviously panicked realizing he missed it he did what he could...