By Anonymous - 11/03/2014 18:51

Today, I had to explain to my husband that it's biologically impossible for cats and dogs to cross-breed, and that his "brilliant idea" of getting ours to mate is just plain disturbing. He still doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 999
You deserved it 4 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brightbulb 39

It's cat-dog in real life! Maybe you should show him the cartoon, then he will understand it's a dead and impossible concept.

I fear for your cat and dog. Good luck with him OP.


Brightbulb 39

It's cat-dog in real life! Maybe you should show him the cartoon, then he will understand it's a dead and impossible concept.

buttcramp 21

I agree #13. That was one of the best cartoons of my childhood!

a baby was born, and it caused a little stir....

badluckalex 23

@13. even if it encouraged him its impossible...

no blue bug no three eyed frog just a feline canine little catdog

FML, I love you guys. You make my day.

Comet_Candy 23
hugozac88 22

Is really only just a dream /:]

I fear for your cat and dog. Good luck with him OP.

This is a man who really needs a hobby.

If the millions and millions of cats and dogs that have lived together have not been able to mate successfully so far, he isn't going to be the first to get his to do it.

Dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria!!! As for you, OP, maybe you should get one or both of them spayed/neutered so it will be impossible for them to mate with their own species.

dannnngthatsux 19

Actually they can copulate. Small dog big cat. I've seen it. Poor kitty didn't know what she was in for, screamed bloody murder. No kippies but they tied for half an hour. Look at YouTube, there is a video of cat/dog tied together.

The point is not that they can't copulate, but can't breed.

Is high school biology a class that he took? Or, y'know, Common Sense 101?

gingaa96 18

So my favorite show as a kid, Catdog, is fictional? Thanks. Childhood = Ruined

Steve95401 49

Dogs also dream about getting some pussy.

haha cat dog good luck anyway even tho its cruel