By OhCanada - 22/07/2019 20:00

Today, my downstairs neighbor is single, clever and incredibly hot, while the upstairs neighbor is loud and obnoxious, not to mention a creep. I silently prayed every day for my neighbor to leave the building, and today, my prayer was answered: my neighbor moved out. Guess which one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 585
You deserved it 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have been more specific when praying. Just like genie wishes you have to be super specific.

The cute one left and the creep convinced one of his equally obnoxious and creepy buddies to move in. Now, every time you see them they suggest you could be the meat in a neighbor sandwich. Prayers answered!


Should have been more specific when praying. Just like genie wishes you have to be super specific.

Imadumbass 16

The cute one left and the creep convinced one of his equally obnoxious and creepy buddies to move in. Now, every time you see them they suggest you could be the meat in a neighbor sandwich. Prayers answered!

the one who was living with 2 creepy neighbors above him/her

Maybe you should have asked out Mr. "Single, Clever, and Incredibly Hot", and he could have moved in with you, instead of leaving. Oh well, I guess you can waste your days away looking at the Ugly Naked Guy in the apartment across the street.

Was it the one living next to you, that was tired of hearing you feverishly ********** to your downstairs neighbor?

Too bad you didn't ask your downstairs neighbor out; he/ she would've move out even sooner! Lol

Maybe he couldn’t stand his upstairs neighbor. ;)