By dazedandconfused - 18/09/2016 09:44 - United Kingdom - Dorking

Today, I found out why my wife has been upset with me for the last week. She told me this morning that I did something to upset her on our date night last Friday, she won't tell me what, and she said she'll leave me if I do it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 454
You deserved it 1 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There aren't very many things you can to to earn a week of anger and a threat like that - and they'd all be super obvious. At this point, her behaviour is a bigger issue than anything you might have done. A week of anger is way too angry. Claiming that it's worth leaving you over, but not worth actually telling you what it is, is just messed up? That's a pretty abusive way to treat someone.

If she can leave you for a reason she doesn't even want to explain, maybe she simply doesn't love you anymore, or not enough for her to care... Or she's simply trying to find a reason to leave you, and either way, she's acting like a child, sorry for you man.


Seems like you're in a tight spot there. I would try acting and admitting to being clueless to what you supposedly did. Hopefully this will clear things up. Good luck OP!

I have a feeling it won't be that simple... Best of luck OP

Yeah, that is typical female-logic and one of the reasons I've given up on women, I just can't stand it. I feel sorry for you, though.

If she can leave you for a reason she doesn't even want to explain, maybe she simply doesn't love you anymore, or not enough for her to care... Or she's simply trying to find a reason to leave you, and either way, she's acting like a child, sorry for you man.

msmedieval 11

The only thing I can think of that might bring that kind of reaction is checking out other women while she's sitting right in front of you. I know it's instinct, but a lot of women find it infuriating.

There aren't very many things you can to to earn a week of anger and a threat like that - and they'd all be super obvious. At this point, her behaviour is a bigger issue than anything you might have done. A week of anger is way too angry. Claiming that it's worth leaving you over, but not worth actually telling you what it is, is just messed up? That's a pretty abusive way to treat someone.

Technically you never found out what was wrong. Only that you did something, but you already knew that.

Thank you, Captain Obvious, but I think the entire point of the FML is that he DOESN'T know what he did wrong.

Women who mind **** their partners like this make me ashamed to be female. Id never do this to a guy Im dating and women who do this give the few honest women a bad name. Im wondering if shes not happy anymore and is using this as a reason to seperate. Sorry.

I completely agree with you, I'd rather communicate with my partner as to why I'm angry, rather than risk him/her doing it again and at the time of them doing it. I also agree that this may be an excuse.

This has nothing to do with her being a female. If anything, people who attribute one woman's bad actions to the majority of women are the ones giving women a bad name. Anyone can display childish and abusive behavior. Plenty of men and non-binary people are shitty partners too.

It makes me ashamed to be humanoid when you suggest that that poor man's wife's shitty behaviour is something to do with what gender she is. Please try to grow out of slagging off your entire gender just for a few internet cool points.

Nowhere does it say #8 thinks ALL women are like this. She's not gender-shaming for "internet cool points."

"The few honest women"? I'm sure that more than a few women would agree with you and wouldn't act like how OP's wife has done. Also not sure how this makes you ashamed to be female as that's kind of irrelevant. OP's wife just sounds like a very immature person. Nothing to do with being female.

Tell her that unless she reveals your error you will have no choice but to leave her.

Sounds like she's at more fault than you, for not communicating at all.

Communication is a necessity to any good relationship. You may want to consider counseling. Doesn't mean you're giving up or that this means your relationship is really on the rocks. It's just a good way to check in and learn how to be better for one another.