By mortified - 22/01/2011 16:04 - United Kingdom

By mortified - 22/01/2011 16:04 - United Kingdom
By Fox_Undercover - 30/04/2016 20:33 - United States - Wareham
By Ilovelife07 - 19/09/2009 04:47 - United States
By Tyler - 19/11/2011 08:05 - United States
By OUCH. - 17/11/2011 21:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/01/2012 20:22 - United States
By gjh - 19/01/2009 03:20 - Australia
By ledentist - 12/09/2012 02:24 - United States - Center Barnstead
By Anonymous - 20/10/2010 03:05 - United States
By Dominique Richards - 20/02/2018 19:00
By fax4voice3 - 28/08/2023 18:02 - United States - Brooklyn
1 - Ah **** off
5 - I'm not sure what the now-moderated comment said, but I'm sure it wasn't something that would be of good use for ******* him.
Its douche hah
At least you can get laid!
Yeah, but it's irrelevant to the FML and just a little sad as well. I didn't destroy one of your life ambitions here, did I?
Ermm Wtf did Ur dentist say?
What did he say?
that's disgusting.
a lot of things
wow ur gorgeous
73 - Are you going to comment on everyone who makes a similar comment? Jeez.
You don't know if it was addressed to you. It could have been the girl the first guy commented on. Either way, you're appearing creepy (and I get the impression you have no life) if all you do is sit there and comment on people who comment on others' appearances. By responding to him, you're appearing to be a hypocrite. Tell you what. I'll solve this problem. Vote the comments pertaining to someone else's appearance down instead of commenting on them and you won't run into this situation.
wow, a joking comment created all this, no one on this site has a life beyond the desire to put down everyone else
Even you it seems, 125.
133 wins the comment war
98, You aren't nearly hot enough to be typing stupid stuff like that. Get that shit outta here.
wins = 101 and 133 fails = 98
well we know the op isn't #98
93 - Really? No life? It was a Saturday when I posted. I haven't been able to post since last night because, lo and behold, I went out and only just got back tonight. There was no school yesterday, and I had no work to do in terms of the business I run from home. It's one of the only days I really get a lot of time to be on here, if I don't decide to go out. Weren't you the one who said something about not judging people? Considering you continued that thread for as long as you did, and the fact that you'd posted just as much if not more than I did yesterday, yes I would have to deduce that you have no life, or at least had nothing to do. Congratulations for carrying on some stupid nonsense. Did you get your rocks off to it, at least? You didn't piss me off, actually. Stupid people like you tend to amuse me. Let the other girls fight their own fights and try not to post anything further.
That guy is creepy o.O
OMG fluffingclouds! Go Fluff a ===} in your mouth & STFU!
if your 8 and you still need your parents with you at the dentist they would hopefully this kid is a bit more mature if he or she is in someone elses privates though.
haha niice
You totally deserved that. Didn't you check your teeth before going to the dentist?
back teeth are hard to see.
It didn't say that the hair was lodged in her back teeth. It could have been in her front teeth.
Plus, its nearly impossible for OP to get pubic hair in her back teeth. Unless he was small and you're amazing. When I get head, she can't even get pubic hair in her front teeth. This may get modded but who cares.
91 - There was nothing against the rules in your post, really. On a site called **** my life, almost anything goes.
That's what SHE said!
Hahaha....make sure you floss after giving a bj
I guess you've been getting your freak on
You totally deserved that. Didn't you check your teeth before going to the dentist?