By Cherie - 07/12/2010 18:25 - United States

Today, my daughter told my son that Santa is not real. Of course, being a child, he started to cry. My only problem is, my son is 11 and my daughter is 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 180
You deserved it 6 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Tell yiur daughter the Easter Bunny is going to bite her for ruining christmas for her mentally challenged brother.

RedPillSucks 31

Christmas is the only time it's ok for little kids to sit in some strange old guys lap.

TheZarola 10

How is it your FML? If anything, it's your son's. There's nothing wrong with believing in Santa.

damn ur little girl is a bitch. my cousins are 15 and still believe in Santa. so do I cuz I'm a widow and I don't buy extra presents to give my kids saying it was from Santa, they just get there. I know it's weird and ur probably thinking my kids got them but my kids are 12 each. (I got 2 kids) ur son has, or had, a good thing he was holding on to. ur little girl is a BITCH

bhimz1 0

well girls DO mature faster than boys

blayke96 8

What the heck were you thinking?! They were still young enough to believe in Santa! They would've figured it out by themselves!

huh? That response makes no sense because the OP didn't tell her kids there was no Santa. It is implied that the little girl found out there is no Santa and then used this knowledge and upset the son. The only reason it bothers the OP is because the youngest child figured it out first and reacted better to that knowledge then the eldest child did.

I never played sports. so what if I'm all f***ed up. I hate sports and people who say u need to play them FYI I'm not a fatass