By Cherie - 07/12/2010 18:25 - United States

Today, my daughter told my son that Santa is not real. Of course, being a child, he started to cry. My only problem is, my son is 11 and my daughter is 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 180
You deserved it 6 828

Same thing different taste

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I was about 10 when I stopped believing in Santa. I didn't cry cause I still got presents.

haha thts funny and cute<333 well dnt i worry i actually blieved n santa till like 12 nd still am normal=P

NEVER tell a child that Santa isn't real. :l

tanyakay 0

My mother never started the whole letting us believe in Santa thing, and I remember being 5 or 6 when she let me wrap my brothers' presents. I wouldn't doubt she was insuring I knew who really got the gifts. Ill do the same with my children. I dislike the Santa image anyway. I prefer snowmen and gingerbread people :) Much cuter.

monnanon 13

We had a bit of both. We were told we would get a gift from santa but that most came from family. My uncle was the santa for the childrens wards at our local hospital and used to visit us afterwards so it was pretty hard for us to have no santa influence.

DakotaCat 4

The real problem is you don't believe in Santa

I pretended to believe in Santa until I was 14 so my parents would still get me presents.

OrientlSoldr 0