Guys night, woohoo!

By Anonymous - 01/04/2022 06:00

Today, I asked my wife if I could go out for guys night. She said yes, and that it sounded so fun she decided to come too. Guys night was ruined. We couldn’t do anything without feeling her silently judging us. Guys night lasted two hours before they all left sober and pissed as hell at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 754
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

Why did you need to ask permission? I never asked my husband for permission to go out, it was more along the lines of "Did you have anything planned for next weekend? No? Ok, the girls and I are going out for dinner/drinks". He would never have told me I couldn't go, and I would never have told him he couldn't have a "boys night". I'd always have flat out said "it's just the girls, no partners" and he'd have done the same if I'd wanted to go to his night. It's healthy to have friends outside your marriage, and it's not healthy to do every single social activity with your significant other for the rest of your lives.

I don't quite think she comprehends what GUYS night is...


I don't quite think she comprehends what GUYS night is...

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

Why did you need to ask permission? I never asked my husband for permission to go out, it was more along the lines of "Did you have anything planned for next weekend? No? Ok, the girls and I are going out for dinner/drinks". He would never have told me I couldn't go, and I would never have told him he couldn't have a "boys night". I'd always have flat out said "it's just the girls, no partners" and he'd have done the same if I'd wanted to go to his night. It's healthy to have friends outside your marriage, and it's not healthy to do every single social activity with your significant other for the rest of your lives.

wysegirl 24

For me, it's s respect thing. I have no worries of the hubs saying no unless he came up with his own plans. What if he has a surprise planned?

Either you don’t have the cajones to stand up to her and/or explain what a guys’ night is, or she wouldn’t take no for an answer and tagged along anyway. Either way though, there’s something going on here that you should examine more closely.

Habacadavarus 12

If you need space, ask for space. Gotta keep those lines of communication going so everyone knows what they want and can expect.