By Cindy - 20/03/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, my dad told me he has been dating my boyfriend's mom while I was away at college. They have gotten pretty serious, and are thinking about getting married. I might be dating my stepbrother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 910
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had him first, don't give up on him because of this!

Christy10 0

It's better that you guys have been going out before they got together. It would've been worse had you guys started going out after your parents If they do get married and people give you shit, blame it on your parents lol


andc 0

hah damnn that sucks! but it's not that big of a deal since you guys were dating before your parents. i know someone who has sexual interactions with their stepbrother, but the thing is the family or nobody knows. They would get a beat down, if so!

defe_fml 0

one would think that if your parents got together after you were dating, you would have a lot less tension, as long as you didnt tell the whole world your situation. i know that if i had a gf, it would be a hell of a lot easier if she lived in the same house, and if people decided to make fun of me at school, i'd just punch them in the face. as long as it is not illegal, its fine. dont let others hold you back

Aka_Lilly 0

Ok so It's kind of wierd but it will be really funny if you get married and have kids!

vjt48 0

My ex and I were on and off for 3 years. I found out he cheated on me numerous times and even fathered a child with someone else while we were still together. After we broke up my mom dated his dad and asked how I would like having "ex" as a brother. Trust me, I feel you on this one and it is definitely a FML moment.

That's not that bad. My friend's dad told her he was seeing her boyfriend's dad. Before that both dad were still with their mom.

So what? That happens all the time. It's NOT FML material.

I feel for you.. only cause it happened to me!!! They've been married for 15 years now.. and for us.. it would have been 17.. :S

im dating my dads girlfriends son. its not exactly fml worthy, you cant help who you like :) and its not exactly incestrial either, people always say that about me and my boyfriend, but we have learned to ignore it.

he's really not Ur brother or step brother anyway. go for Ur love!!