By Anonymous - 10/12/2017 14:00 - United Kingdom - Bolton

Today, I narrowly avoided shooting myself in the foot with a nail gun. I considered myself the luckiest guy ever, until I stepped on a plank with another nail sticking out of it, which went right through my foot. Oh well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 192
You deserved it 797

Top comments

Just when you think you're safe, that's when they get you. Crafty little *******, those nails.

As far as deceiving others into believing you can work safely, you did shoot yourself in the foot. Whether it was literally or figuratively (or both), you got nailed!


As far as deceiving others into believing you can work safely, you did shoot yourself in the foot. Whether it was literally or figuratively (or both), you got nailed!

Just when you think you're safe, that's when they get you. Crafty little *******, those nails.

Were you wearing shoes when this occurred?

The last time I stepped on a nail it went right through the sole of the shoe and straight through to the other side :S As long as the nail is sharp enough it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing shoes or not, unfortunately ?

exileonmainst 16

And now you’re fired because you didn’t give your boss enough notice about your absence.

leave the work to professionals op. fyl.

Lobby_Bee 17

You have just used up your lucky chance of the day, what did you expect?

Hope you’re okay, OP! Thank god for tetanus shots.

Mungolikecandy 19

What sort of footwear were you wearing? A decent pair of workboots and that would not have happened.

Actually, my dad has steeltoed boots because of where he works, and he's had sharp nails and other sharp pieces of metal go through the soles. Soles are rubber, enough weight and anything sharp and pointy will be going through them. Unless of course you pay for a custom pair made entirely of metal.

Burle 17

Actually many work boots have a steel shank in the sole, specifically designed for people who work with nails

Doesn't happen if you have some proper working shoes. Proper shoes have a plate in them to prevent that