By jgdgjyfg - 25/07/2011 07:21 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad taped a picture of me to the fridge with "Do not feed the she-beast" written on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 177
You deserved it 8 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just tape a picture of himto the fridge saying '**** you'

eminemchick 19

at least it wasnt "Do not feed the wild snorlax"


Well maybe you eat a lot and it pissed him off!

eminemchick 19
RandomChickXD 0

how is he a dick? I'm pretty sure he's just joking

parents aren't allowed to joke around, or they'll be labelled as dicks? I never want to be a parent, if that's the case

I bet you have a rose that's about to die hidden somewhere. Are you looking for a Bell, E. to save you?

je_suis_fml 11

Three cheers for unconditional love! *sarcasm* If she does have a weight problem, negative reinforcement hidden in a lame joke is surely to help her make healthier choices for herself. Oh and it'll definitely help boost her self-esteem.. *more sarcasm* Jokes are to be funny not hurtful.. smh

true but he could be helping her or just joking

saaaalt 4

I would die laughing if my pops did that to me then make sure whenever he sees me throughout the day I'm eating something..

hahah 65 that reminds me of the time that me and my twin sis were eating breakfast when my dad was leaving for work, than when he came home for lunch, he saw us in the same spot, (we all have certain spots, there's 9 of us). eating lunch, and when he came home for dinner, he burst out laughing, left the kitchen and quickly came back with a printed picture of a fat person and he says something like "every time i saw you today, you were eating. if you're not careful, you'll end up like this!' haha i love my dad :) it was a joke, but i guess if i was fat, than it would have really sucked... but i guess if i was fat my dad wouldn't make comments like that...

enonymous 8

Could be worse... I have a biometric keypad and retinal scanner for my fridge... of course it's where I keep the bodies too.

hahah 65 that reminds me of the time that me and my twin sis were eating breakfast when my dad was leaving for work, than when he came home for lunch, he saw us in the same spot, (we all have certain spots, there's 9 of us). eating lunch, and when he came home for dinner, he burst out laughing, left the kitchen and quickly came back with a printed picture of a fat person and he says something like "every time i saw you today, you were eating. if you're not careful, you'll end up like this!' haha i love my dad :) it was a joke, but i guess if i was fat, than it would have really sucked... but i guess if i was fat my dad wouldn't make comments like that...

That is awesome! Your Dad is one funny man. This FML made me laugh so hard. Thank you Dad and SHE-BEAST.

sxe_beast 11

Take a cue, stop eating eating so much...

That is awesome! Your Dad is one funny man. This FML made me laugh so hard. Thank you Dad and SHE-BEAST.

yeah negative reinforcement always works so well..................

HowAreYouToday 34

well it should have at least made the SHE BEAST feel fat

you should put a sigh on his bed do not **** the he dog

probably has to go to the market twice a day

while he was most likely joking he still clearly hurt her feelings):

talensledge1 0

Does he flop around and get hard sometimes?

Just tape a picture of himto the fridge saying '**** you'

NastyNinja31 0

no put a sign on his door say "don't **** him"

or better put a post it note on his door saying "Remember to get some cream for your crabs" as a fake reminder to himself

Or if you have a 2 door fridge, put a lock on it that only you know the combination to and leave a note on the fridge saying "Challenge accepted."

HowAreYouToday 34

or go anorexic, and get an attitude adjustment. that always works. :D what did you have to do to make your dad say that?!

Last time I checked, girls like sex too.

while that is a brilliant idea I have some points to make, it wouldn't matter about the appearance of the donkey if OP was gonna crop her dads head on it, and why a quack??

itswhateveridk 0

your so stupid that comment is pretty rough considering we all don't know why she's called a "beast" so don't make irrational assumptions that she somehow deserved this wtf

Nah, then he'd put "That goes for you too honey! TOUCH ME!"

lmao! but your dad was probably joking, otherwise, fyl!

JodeMiVida 13

Agreed! I think it's only offensive if the OP is noticeably fat, and the Dad knows this

whocaresfylfml 0

exactly, it was obviously a joke, and it doesn't mean that op is fat, it cud b an inside joke between the family, op should just find the humor in it and laugh it off

eminemchick 19

at least it wasnt "Do not feed the wild snorlax"

iLOLatURpain69 7
eminemchick 19

I +1 you for ur gorgeous profile picture:D tho this comment will not only be thumbed down but moderated for irrelevance.:(

Sunny_Eclipse 6

In fact, OP should use that one for revenge on her dad!

iLOLatURpain69 7

18 - Gotta love Slim Shady!

eminemchick 19

24-i know:D sadly i already got moderatedXD

iLOLatURpain69 7

Yeah lol I've been listening to Hell the sequel like crazy!

green_eggs_and_h 0

Quick! Throw the ultra balls!

hilarious and I'm sorry.but he's obviously joking

skyeyez9 24

Parents can be so ******* cruel.

chickunkey 0

Her dad is a funny ************.

Max24KB 0

ya cause' that will make up for her dad calling her a fat ass. but I think the dad hilarious haha

Cereal_Is_Good 5

That won't work. it's too obvious of a solution. we don't do obvious and easy here.

You sure your dad wasn't kidding around? if he is, you have a cool dad. If no, he's a beast.

So be a smartass and put a note up that says something about him. Or like the person before me, put up a note that says "**** you"