By Anonymous - 17/12/2018 13:30

Today, I have a busy week scheduled at work, so I took my file home to smash out some reports. Naturally I did not do any work at home and then I also forgot to take the file back to work the next day. Instead of saving time, I wasted an hour driving home to collect it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 083
You deserved it 2 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh... I thought it is only me who does shit like that.

As much as I know this is something I would do, I still gotta say YDI. Hopefully you’ll learn from it and not repeat the same pattern next time. Good luck!


404wan 19

what do you mean naturally? did you not actually intend to do any work anyway?

Oh... I thought it is only me who does shit like that.

As much as I know this is something I would do, I still gotta say YDI. Hopefully you’ll learn from it and not repeat the same pattern next time. Good luck!