By tinytitty - 23/03/2009 03:18 - United States

Today, my crush and I were hooking up and as he slipped his hands up my shirt in order to "feel me up" he started rubbing around my whole torso. When I asked him what he was doing he replied "well I was looking for your boobs but apparently you have none" FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 339
You deserved it 9 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

partake_fml 2

Yeah, so what? Do the same with his dick/muscles.

do you have small boobs? what was he expecting, they'd be bigger underneath your shirt or something. Small boobs are hot, don't waste time with a guy who won't appreciate them.


partake_fml 2

#24 Thanks Genius man.. When can I get it?

I am so jealous. I have to lug around D boobs all day every day since going on the pill. I used to have cute little B-boobs and I want them back! I'll trade you! XDD Seriously dear, little boobs are sexy (which is something I get to say because I'm bisexual). It would be a shame for you to feel bad about a lovely endowment based on a crush's particular view of things.

redhead10 0
effmailyfe 0

Use this one: "Ugh, are you in yet?". HAHA. Actually, dump him. He's a jerk.

#34 that's sexy what else do your boobs get in the way of?

#13 What are you talking about? Drinking milk doesn't make your boobs bigger. Although increasing your caloric intake can increase breast size it will also increase everything else porportionally so your boobs will still look small compared to the rest of your body.

yeah #13, cause drinking milk grows boobs...idiot.

just be like "well maybe if you weren't a retard you would be feeling in the right place"

that guy is an ass. agree with #1. see how he likes it. jerk. and #13, you're an idiot. clearly, you will never get laid ever and you don't deserve to. milk for bigger boobs... ugh! and JackTheRipper, you're a perv.