By Baikal - 12/05/2013 04:09 - Singapore

Today, my cousin thought it would be funny to make copies of my house keys and give it to random people on the street. I live alone and work a 12 hour shift daily. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 013
You deserved it 3 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get a lock smith in there ASAP and never allow your cousin near your place again

Time to feed a wire from your doorknob to the electrical panel


Okay, your cousin is an entire bag of *****. Get new locks, NOW. Disown the asshat and if he shows up for any reason, brick + sock + his face.

Interwebzombie 15

What you should do is call your cousin over to hang out or something and then spend the entire time making your house look like it was broken into. When he gets there he'll find you "beaten to a pulp" and realize how much of a dumbass he is.

knotcool 15

Why does your cousin have keys to you house?

Courage Wolf: Accept all challenges. Never lock your door.

I would have beaten my cousin down over that.

you're cousin is ovoously paying you for every piece of stolen property.... also change the lock in case.. you know. ..murderers