By Baikal - 12/05/2013 04:09 - Singapore

Today, my cousin thought it would be funny to make copies of my house keys and give it to random people on the street. I live alone and work a 12 hour shift daily. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 011
You deserved it 3 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get a lock smith in there ASAP and never allow your cousin near your place again

Time to feed a wire from your doorknob to the electrical panel


Unless your cousin gave out your address as well, you'll be fine...

Odds are that being a hardcore ********, he did. He also probably made a key for himself. I don't generally recommend violence as a solution, but personally, if that were me, the cousin had better hope he never steps into the street in front of my car.

Get a locksmith, Make copies of HIS house key, and distribute it to random inmates in prison who'll get out in a week or two... :)

Change the lock, then take the old lock and beat your cousin with it.

Ypetrol 11

That's awful. Change locks immediately and don't allow your cousin access to your keys. And then plan vengeance when he least expects it.

brittyed 11

Hey, that's illegal in the US... check the laws by you. Get your locks and keys changed and then report what your cousin did to the police!

I'm pretty sure it's illegal anywhere.

perdix 29

And every day since then, people have been coming to your house, stealing all of your stuff and replacing it with exact replicas of your stuff. You cannot disprove this...dunh, dunh, dunh.

Sue for doing that, then cut all ties to her

ileenefudge 29

How do you know the cousin is a girl?

What the actual feck is wrong with people? Oh, I gave random peole your house keys, no biggie. Seriously, relative or not this level of stupidity needs removing from the gene pool. Sorry people are so freaking stupid OP :(