By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 23:53 - United States

Today, my constant bragging to friends caught up with me, and everyone believes I'm a swinger. Because of this, no girl wants to go out with me, in case they become just another notch under my belt. The truth is, I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 949
You deserved it 99 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, it's obviously your fault because you constantly lied.


well, it's obviously your fault because you constantly lied.

bravesfan112233 0

maybe tell them u lied to look cool, which it didn't

bitch you totally fkin deserve that!!

NastyNinja31 0

the boy who cried wo--err I mean ...pussy?

Thunderbender 2

Maybe no one wants to date you because you use the word "swinger" . . .

I thought swinger referred to couples? isn't op just saying they're a ****? (and lying about it)

johnson94 5

thing of how many people Austin powers got!

Sew an "A" tag on all your clothes. and show off more!!!

rallets 22

you probably just have a weak heart

i ... don't think you know what "swinger" means ...

I slept with 9500 women in my high school days I'm so cool guys! damn it's gonna be awkward when you find a **** that'd do you anyways and you have no idea what you are doing

juicedboi 7

Well fake it til' you make it. Your too far in to quit now el douche.

Every you do wrong will come back and bite u in the butt! soooo ur fault

iEatGuppies 0

4= a swinger is someone who swings on a swingset trying to knock over girls, which is why girls don't talk to him anymore.

nesfen10 2

why you is lyin dawgggggeeyyy sliceee

viedemerde3007 0

123- We have the same bday!!

sure u know what swinger means..? YDI anyway for lying..

@69, umm yes i'd like a couple sunflowers for my garden... I'm having a bit of a zombie infestation silly jokes aside so op, think you can maintain your status till you're forty? should go for a world record :P

Bein yourself = Cool Guy, Making up lies about yourself and/or bragging= asshole. (depending on circumstances, by most of the time being an asshole is the case).

tjv3 10

wow 11,000 people think you are a douche

TheHoboWerewolf 0

I smell a compulsive liar amongst us...

My_Name_Is_ 5

shouldn't have done that. some girls would love to date virgins...they find it..."cute"?

decidedlyvague 11

Austin Powers is a bad ass, and it's not like he bragged about banging them to his buddies. They just saw him with all the hotties

Only Emma Stone is allowed to do that and make it cool. Everyone else back off.

bobkim302 0

Keep waiting on the right person!

flockz 19

ya make three lefts and you will find the "right" person. this op deserves no sympathy. his penis will have to wait.

12em12 1

I'm guessing you mean a hooker.

Hookers probably decline this joker

Neylin 7

Well, this.... I... have nothing to add. You deserve, so bad.

Yeah.. Quit bragging and maybe you won't lose friends and possibly meet a girlfriend who doesn't have an STD. With your attitude, that's where it will get you.. Hookers and STD's. ;D

Do you even know what a swinger is? Maybe you mean player?

KhrystallDaBest 15
UN1T3D 6

OP is a dumb ass. also, I laughed at your pic.

FernAdele 9

lmaooo love to picture also!

mattmalin11 0

All I am is limp limp limp no matter what what what...

I I I like like like to to to repeat repeat repeat stuff stuff stuff too too too.

He is singing it to "all I do is win win win no matter what"

danielreader22 4

61- He's refering to the song by DJ Khaled.

you just ruined the song, it has no meaning to me now.thanks asshole(:

yeah I used to really love that song, then the freaking asshole had to comment and ruin it for me(;

yeah, but then sone asshole just had to ruin it by commenting gee thanks;)

Well, that seems like a fair punishment. YDI.

bobkim302 0

Stop making up stories too.

he can still feel like a ballet even though he lied. I don't see the problem with this at all I say shit like that all the time, truth or not

Anai08 17

And what did you hope to accomplish by bragging? It sucks, but now you know honestly is the best policy.

WallyTheWombat 0

^^^ this What are you 12? Who brags about having sex? Douchebags and lying virgins. Guess which one you are? Oh, and don't worry, it's ok to pick both :)

I don't respect man hoes anyway..ydi

why bc you can't get any and are jealous? but i still agree with you, he deserves it.

78, that was a pretty dickish thing to say. no that's not why. a

a_nutritionist 10

its a pretty dickish thing to say you dont respect people for their choices that in no way affect you. your opinion of them can be whatever you like, but respect is an entirely different issue.

BAVFDFirefighter 0

#102, respect is simply the esteem in which you hold a person or a person's beliefs and actions. It has nothing to do with whether these things affect you personally or not. Judging from the thumbs down on your comment, other people seem to be able to make this distinction.

a_nutritionist 10

yes, thats one definition of the word, however in this context definition 2 applies: "Have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of - I respected his views" as for the thumbs down, i doubt very much went on in the minds of those individuals :)

WCAR's Dave Stephens is my husband and just doesn't know it. Just saying.

Cause ur probably an ugly b!tch that can't even get a guy

if your still a virgin then what were you bragging about? txting a girl or something?

I'm pretty sure he was making stuff up to his friends..and now everyone believes it

13, I'm pretty sure he was lying and bragging to all of his friends by telling them he was having sex.

he was probably bragging about all his sexual conquests that he doesn't have.