By Anonymous - 23/04/2016 02:22 - United States - Lawrenceville

Today, my boyfriend wrote me a love letter saying about how much he cares for me, how he'd die for me and how he wants to spend his life with me. What really took my breath away was the confession at the end about how he "accidentally" cheated on me with my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 116
You deserved it 1 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He needs to man up and take responsibility for his actions. One cannot "accidentally" cheat on their significant other.


KickAss73 12

One does not simply cheat by an accident.

What'd he do? Accidentally slip in and out of her? Time to dump his pathetic cheating arse and think about who your best friend really isS

What do you mean by accidentally OP?

I know he cheated but he also told you about it and clearly wants to stay with you. speak with him.

As much as everyone is saying "it couldn't be an accident" they're right. Still have that talk though. Maybe he did it at a time when he wasn't as serious with the relationship as he is now. Still not a good thing, but it would mean that he really does care about you, and his letter is his way of telling you "I know what I did and I'm telling you myself so we can get through this together." Would you honestly want to find out another way at another time? He is really trying. Mistakes can be forgiven, if the circumstances call for it. If you are truly unhappy or he treats you badly, leave immediately.

I was looking for this comment! I agree #64. It could have been in the beginning of the relationship when it might not have been as serious, plus who's to say he had sex with someone else? Maybe he just kissed a girl at a club or something of the sort, but still clearly feels very guilty about it. Cheating is in no way right, but I think some circumstances can be forgiven if you can work it out together. If not then of course leave.

With the amount of FML posts I've seen about significant others cheating with "best friends", people really need to choose better friends. FYL, OP. Here's hoping that your next friend is of a better caliber.

Cheating is not an accident! Period.

you need to "accidentally" break up with him