By Anonymous - 23/04/2016 02:22 - United States - Lawrenceville

Today, my boyfriend wrote me a love letter saying about how much he cares for me, how he'd die for me and how he wants to spend his life with me. What really took my breath away was the confession at the end about how he "accidentally" cheated on me with my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 108
You deserved it 1 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He needs to man up and take responsibility for his actions. One cannot "accidentally" cheat on their significant other.


I'm sorry cheating and sex in general is not accident it's not like he was running down a hallway slipped on a banana peel and somehow all his clothes fell off and then he accidentally fell into her ******. it's always a choice..

TWayne95 13

Maybe...there was a party at OPs house and drunken boyfriend walks into her room at the end of the night thinking she's in bed but she's not, her best friend is just sleeping in there. But he never turns the lights on and therefore wouldn't know that it's not OP. That's the only situation, albeit a farfetched one, where I could see it being an accident.

thenetflox 4

I'd believe that story when pigs fly. Even when it's dark out you can still sorta see and even then why would you have sex in the pitch black? AND how could OP'S boyfriend not notice they sound nothing alike?

It's cool that he owned up and admitted it to you, and though cheaters are awful, it sounds like he's really guilty about it and there are several factors to take into consideration, such as how long you two have been dating, how many times he cheated, how long ago it was, how serious your relationship is, whether or not they were drunk/high, etc. Either way you should probably break up, but these factors should be used to determine if you two will stay in touch or if you will never get back together.

One sneeze and it just slides in. I thought everyone knew that...

i_wont_press_1 12

sounds like she may be the type of girl it would slide right in to (the best friend)

Xandrick 22

Oh yeah, y'know, he slipped and fell and his johnson just happened to plunge into your best friend. They struggled to separate for maybe an hour. Happens all the time. /s

No one "accidentally" cheats on their partner. It's either they do or they don't. Period. Sorry, OP.

cheesecake12 12

oh accidents seem to be an excuse men seem to think works. and I say that as I man myself. keep your head up op.

maybe he was drunk, shit happeneds. at least he told you. who knows maybe its the biggest mistake of his life

Being drunk isn't an excuse. I've been drunk enough to black out and wake up under a tree; I've never been drunk enough that cheating on my SO or driving seems like a good idea. Don't make that responsibility so passive. Shit doesn't happen - cheaters **** up.

i_wont_press_1 12

drinking does not change someone morals. either you are a cheater or your not

If you get drunk enough to do shit that will **** with your life or someone else's, here's some advice- learn your ******* limit or don't drink. Regardless, don't expect someone you cheated on to stay. Even if they did, the relationship would be ****** up as it's hard for them to regain that trust and they might hold a grudge, subconsciously or not.

Accidental cheating calls for an accidental break up