By girlwithaprob - 13/11/2010 21:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me I was the only girl he'd ever text, call, or flirt with again. Later on he told two other girls exactly the same thing on Facebook, not realizing that everybody can read wall messages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 816
You deserved it 3 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love watching peoples' lives fall apart via Facebook :)


SleepyHead34 0

-cough,cough- man ***** never trust em sweety

Erindub 0

Lame. Lame of him to say that, lame of you to expect him to be that whipped

Wait, you blame the girls as well but still say it's facebook's fault? What backward logic is this? In all honesty, we have douchebags on both sides of the spectrum, and facebook is just a medium that d'bags and normal people use. PS: I can't believe I just defended a social networking site...ugh.

you deserve it for dating a 40-year-old. I assume he's at least 40 if he doesn't know how facebook works..