By Anonymous - 23/12/2010 05:21 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend said that we can "maybe have sleepovers" at his house when he FINALLY moves out. He's 24, and we've been dating for 6 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 443
You deserved it 8 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think this is that bad. You were teenagers when you started dating (albeit he was legally an adult). Has he been in school the majority of your relationship? If so, it's unrealistic to expect him to be able to afford his own place - some can, many cannot. Even if he wasn't in school, most young adults can't afford to get their own place. 24 seems about the right age to me. As for the sleepover thing, it may be a case of "my house, my rules". It doesn't sound like it's been a sexless 6 years so don't get caught up in the wish list. It's hard to tell what your complaint is, OP, because if you were not in the same situation he was, why couldn't he have slept at your own place?

I agree with what you're saying. But i think there is a point to the FML: Maybe after 6 years OP was expecting him to ask her to move in. Instead he just shrugs her off and says to maybe occasionally let her round once in a while. That's what I got from the FML at least. [I'm not saying i agree or disagree with OP or anything, just what I think the FML means personally] And I would never have sex in my parent's house. I respect them and their rules too much, so I can understand the dilema. And yeh, if people are in FULL TIME education they obviously can't afford to move out of their parent's houses.. so stop being so judgment guys!


EpicPear, you ruined it... You're supposed to say it as well, to get the combo happening.

deafeningsilence 8

as much as I LOVE to get rapped at my house by a bunch a ppl as the next I'm going to say no on this one haha

No sweat man! You can all come to my place instead(haven't had a good orgy in some time now anyway).

MakeAScene 4

Count me in. I'll supply the beer. Who's bringing the snacks?

chloe2114 4
cowboyy_fml 0

wow u should find a new boyfriend

Damn, is he 'maybe' still a virgin, too? If I were you, I'd find a more responsible boyfriend who would take an interest in wanting to be with you.

soldier4life_88 0

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Wow, if only life was as simple as you see it with your eyes.

4- I agree think it's time for OP to get a new boyfriend

soldier4life_88 0

11- lol I mean he's 24 still lives at home AND he's just now ready for "sleep overs"!? really!? at 18 I was on my own!!!!

thirdtesticle 0

well, weren't you awesome at 18?

soldier4life_88 0

nope not awesome... just responsible!!!

@ 45- grammar policing strangers is not necessary. You can take those other two exclamation points and shove them.

PurplePeeps 0
PrincessesCrown 17

Some people take time not all people have sex on the first date. I think it's sweet to have a long lasting relationship

Susieee_Q 9

Six years? That's pathetic. You're quite patient. I would have started questioning my relationship after two.

6 years and you've never slept over there?? Are the alarm bells ringing in your head yet??? YDI

I don't think this is that bad. You were teenagers when you started dating (albeit he was legally an adult). Has he been in school the majority of your relationship? If so, it's unrealistic to expect him to be able to afford his own place - some can, many cannot. Even if he wasn't in school, most young adults can't afford to get their own place. 24 seems about the right age to me. As for the sleepover thing, it may be a case of "my house, my rules". It doesn't sound like it's been a sexless 6 years so don't get caught up in the wish list. It's hard to tell what your complaint is, OP, because if you were not in the same situation he was, why couldn't he have slept at your own place?

Bees_fml 0

Agreed. I think the OP is just reading into the flippancy of the word "sleepovers." Get a sense of humor, OP; your boyfriend could just be being playful.

Foe, you are the voice of reason. OP, living in Alberta is not cheap - do you plan on pitching in for rent or the mortgage, or did you just feel like it would be your right to go over to his place when you wanted? Maybe pull your weight and work on moving out together and it'll be more feasible for the both of you. It's hardly fair to expect him to be able to shoulder the burden of owning or renting a place alone, when everything is so damn expensive. Looks like you need to grow up a little. Less judging, more planning.

I agree with what you're saying. But i think there is a point to the FML: Maybe after 6 years OP was expecting him to ask her to move in. Instead he just shrugs her off and says to maybe occasionally let her round once in a while. That's what I got from the FML at least. [I'm not saying i agree or disagree with OP or anything, just what I think the FML means personally] And I would never have sex in my parent's house. I respect them and their rules too much, so I can understand the dilema. And yeh, if people are in FULL TIME education they obviously can't afford to move out of their parent's houses.. so stop being so judgment guys!

he doesnt want you to get the impression its ok for you to move in . hmmmm