By ilivehere - 17/07/2013 14:20 - United States - Moline

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me at his parents' house. I was overjoyed. His mom hugged me with tears in her eyes. His father, who never really spoke before, hugged me a few hours later when we were alone, his hands traveling to my ass and whispering, "I can change your mind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 572
You deserved it 4 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments


How are there 700 people [men] who think you deserved this? I can't really wrap my head around this.

Well aren't you a misandry one. Maybe she deserves it because she's an attention hogging FML poster to begin with?

Warning: Feminazi detected! All hands on deck!

Tell ur fiance about it before his dad makes a move in ur sleep. Post it on Facebook and tag his ass....

Soul_Swampertz 10

Oh god that would totally creep me out.

Creeper...keep mace/pepper spray on you...

That's completely irrelevant, he's perving on his son's fiancée. He could somehow be the same age as her and it would still be wrong.

yeah thtz so true. like father like son

I heard of parents being friendly but jeez...

Hahahahahahaha, thats awkward. You should probably tell your fiancé

Poetaster 10

Tell him tat if he can lick his eyebrows like his son can do, you will consider it