By Anonymous - 12/11/2012 13:29 - United States - Lancaster

Today, my boyfriend of three years, whom I recently got engaged to, asked me to take a photo of my mother's boobs while she was sleeping so that he could see what mine would look like when I got older. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 873
You deserved it 4 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he plans on staying with you for a while!

You need to send him two nice close-up shots. One of you and your mother both giving him the middle finger and a second of your father loading his shot gun. He'll get the message.


Epikouros 31

Projecting much? You misspelled 'I have'.

absolutelyrooted 5

I think this is one of those situations where you should ditch him with no second chances. He is a creep.

I would laugh so hard at him. And call him a retard.

Has he never met your mom? Because if he has, then he wouldn't need a picture. Also, there is plastic surgery if you're not happy with your boobs. Or face. x)

cylus13 9

He has logic there. But the same thing can be asked of him with his dad. "Just to know what his penis will look like when he gets older."

mowmowlife 21

And you say that you're engaged?

Besides creepy this is stupid. OPs mom is no indication of how will look at the same age. Recently we looked at family pictures and we compared my sister's picture with an older picture of my Mom when they were both 40. My sister looked younger and had a much more athletic and shapelier figure.