Staycation time

By Anonymous - 30/01/2017 13:05 - United Kingdom

Today, £250 of money belonging to work was stolen from my handbag. My boss says I have to pay it back because I'm the one that signed out the cash. There goes the holiday I was about to book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 326
You deserved it 1 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you are not covered under the business insurance then you should have refused to hold/transport it. Or least got your boss to sign you are not responsible if it's lost to replace it if he still wanted you to take the risk

Truly an FML, but the second you signed it out, it became your responsibility. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any recourse for you but to suck it up and pay it back to your company. If there is a next time, keep a better eye on your belongings, ask for an escort, or if you're no longer comfortable and there is someone else that can do it have them be the one to handle the money.


Why should anyone else pay when you took money from your Johanna left it unattended

For anyone that's confused "Johanna" is probably "job and".

If you are not covered under the business insurance then you should have refused to hold/transport it. Or least got your boss to sign you are not responsible if it's lost to replace it if he still wanted you to take the risk

Truly an FML, but the second you signed it out, it became your responsibility. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any recourse for you but to suck it up and pay it back to your company. If there is a next time, keep a better eye on your belongings, ask for an escort, or if you're no longer comfortable and there is someone else that can do it have them be the one to handle the money.

Wow, how unfortunate. Always be mindful to keep you bag with you at all times when carrying large sums of money. But isn't your boss going to at least attempt to catch the thief? That sort of behavior shouldn't be tolerated at work.

Joshtheboss1 2

It never said the money was stolen at work

I love it when people give the most obvious advices, like it's gonna help ! #ThankYouCaptainObvious

jcash52426 5

This is kinda vague I think we need to have more info. If you take out the money and you are responsible then you should have been more careful with you purse and hopefully you kept it separate from your money. If your trying to go on a trip see if you can do a payment plan with your boss.

It sucks, but it is your responsibility to pay it back. In fact, you're lucky you were given the opportunity to pay it back. Some companies would terminate you and also make you pay it back (or deduct it from a final paycheck)

bobsanction 18

While I agree with your boss on this situation, it does suck for you.

Guess this would depend on the country and situation. In Sweden you can only ever be responsible in any way to pay for damages as an employee if you were negligent. I'd make sure that it actually is your legal responsibility to pay it back, if signing money out and taking it somewhere or doing something with it you should only be responsible if you were negligent, leaving your purse out of sight or open for instance, which if it doesn't sound like you we're from the FML.

If signing money out and taking it somewhere or doing something is part of your job you should only be responsible if you were negligent is what I wanted to say.

onceuponatime456 16

You signed it out, it is your responsibility! Why would you leave your handbag unattended with that much cash in it?