By Shuntbob - 15/01/2018 17:30 - United States - Herriman

Today, my father told me that because of my 4.0 with all AP classes, I could choose where to eat tonight. My stepmother told him I wanted to eat at IKEA, of all places, because that's what she wanted. Guess who he believed, and guess where I am right now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 627
You deserved it 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So I guess when you order food, they give you a box full of ingredients and a tiny butter knife?

marecu 13

Maybe your stepmom just thought a 4.0 was worth a $4 meal


So I guess when you order food, they give you a box full of ingredients and a tiny butter knife?

*butter knife. Goddamnit me, that is not a question.

It works better as a question, honestly.

LeoCor 19

Man, parents never believing what their kid says?? That’s so uncommon!

marecu 13

Maybe your stepmom just thought a 4.0 was worth a $4 meal

Swedish meatballs and lingonberry soda — FTW!

manb91uk 22

IGUESS you’re FEELINA little bit flat RITEBOUT now?

Go celebrate with your friends later and don't invite your dad and especially not your stepmom.

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

You can eat there? I thought that’s where you bought like furniture and crap?

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

There’s no Ikea where I live

I knew there was food at IKEA. I'm just really surprised that people WANT to go there. I thought it's more of a "Ok so we bought furniture and the kids keep whining about being hungry so... fiiine"

Yet another narcissistic twatwaffle of a parent.

aww poor OP! Your stepmom is the bitch, your dad meant well I would think :(

While you’re there, why not pick up a SKÄNKSKA, a FEMMEN VÅG and a DOMBÅS? (Yes, they are all real IKEA products!)