By Anonymous - 29/07/2019 00:01

Today, I learned there's no feeling quite as painful as being stuck on the toilet at 2 a.m. and hearing your dog sneak into your room and eat your dinner, all while being completely powerless to stop it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 690
You deserved it 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

Rule number one when you have dogs: do not leave your food out when you leave the room. Even if your running to the toilet, toss that plate somewhere high first.

blondie45 21

Why are you having dinner at 2am?


blondie45 21

Why are you having dinner at 2am?

toodamntall 9

OP could be a shift worker, they might have just gotten back from an event that ran late, they could be a night owl, or maybe just just forgot to have it earlier. I used to work from 3pm to midnight and wouldn't get home until 1am in the morning, so I regularly had dinner between 1 and 2 am

julfunky 29

Rule number one when you have dogs: do not leave your food out when you leave the room. Even if your running to the toilet, toss that plate somewhere high first.

agreed too many times have i been lazy and my dog has eaten my diiner after stepping out of my room for like 2 mins

I'll avoid the miserable route, and say YDI for not taking 5 seconds to put it out of his reach.

BigSissy 14

Sometimes when nature calls, you don’t have five seconds. Just saying.

There's always time to save the precious, pal, even if it comes at such a high risk.

If it’s the fine fare you’re accustomed to, your dog will get the ***** before dawn.

Mungolikecandy 19

That is more an inconvenience than "no feeling quite as painful". You must have led a very sheltered life if you really believe that.

Mathalamus 24

Close. The. Door. You deserved that for being an idiot around pets.

Sady_Ct 37

Teach it not to touch feed even left un attended. My 7 yr old dog and my 9month old pup both leave the room if there is someone eating, and they don’t sneak human food. And no I didn’t have to abuse them to teach them this. It just took time, effort and patience.

It's called training. My dog won't even touch BACON unless I tell him it's okay, even if I leave the room. Yes, I've tested this.