By Girl - 17/03/2010 07:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of more than two years told me in front of all of our friends that he'd trade me for some Playstation 3 games. I laughed it off because I thought he was kidding. He made it clear that he was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 672
You deserved it 5 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How much longer do you plan to stick around for more of the same treatment? Kick him to the curb already!


chandra05_fml 0
johnjjohns 0

well maybe u should get him a ps3... just sayin

neonblue120 6

did you cry? how about wasting 2 years on a worthless guy

ydi for being a horrible girlfriend, now get back in the kitchen.

um yeah believe it or not but things have changed since the stone age and females became equal to men. So women don't always belong in the kitchen unless they want to and maybe he was just being a shitty boyfriend.

gregsdaman 0

shut the hell up,kitchen jokes arnt funny and I know u gett no pussy by saying that

Bras want to be bros. It’s a ******* fact. If that shit’s not on Wikipedia it ******* should be. You know how I know this? It’s called historical evidence, bitch. For example - back in the day only bros were allowed to vote, but bras got envious. So, rather than listen to them bitch and moan and make funny jokes all day about how they were “equal,” bros finally caved and gave them the vote. This proved to be a terrible idea as it almost got the biggest bro hater of them all (Hillary Clinton) elected president.

ZeeZatara 0

It could be worse. He couldve said that he would trade you for xbox 360 games.

taurustbull 0

Trade you, as in give you away for good. Or just trade your services in exchange for goods, which would indicate he still has feelings and wants to keep you around.

zero112 0

think of it like this it's not the worst thing he could have trade you in for.!!

CoolChik 5

Sounds like a gamer nerd, who with this attitude, won't have much of a life and will probably rarely get laid. Consider this a nice warning sign of where this is relationship is headed--an overweight boyfriend who can't keep his eyes off the tv, yelling at you to bring him a beer while he plays his playstation with bad body odor because his life is so consumed with video games, he neglects personal hygiene. Not a real winner.

**** YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!! not ******* every one who plays video games r fat with no life. most are normal peaple. u know when mw2 came out more than 3/4 of the peaple at my high school ( including me) stayed home"sick" to buy and play it