By bdw89 - 29/12/2016 18:42 - United States - Warrensburg

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years still can't get it that dry humping me and saying, "But I'm horny" in a goofy voice isn't a turn on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 291
You deserved it 1 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quick question. Where in the world did he get that idea? Funny thing sure but definitely weird.

You can communicate with him and let him know which ways you would like to be told "I'm horny" and what may turn you on better. It would be a better solution than simply waiting for him to figure it out. I had this chat with my girlfriend years ago and it helped us get on the same page for sex.


Quick question. Where in the world did he get that idea? Funny thing sure but definitely weird.

It was probably funny the first time but I can imagine it's not funny when repeated as with many jokes

kk21days 14

Keep him around! He sounds like the kind of guy that could make you laugh when you're in a bad mood. :)

PePziNL 20

"Not now sweetheart, you know I got fired today." "But I'm hoooorney"

Someone who makes you laugh when you're down is great. Someone who is annoying and ignores your needs while just trying to get what they want is not.

You can communicate with him and let him know which ways you would like to be told "I'm horny" and what may turn you on better. It would be a better solution than simply waiting for him to figure it out. I had this chat with my girlfriend years ago and it helped us get on the same page for sex.

YDI. if after four years you are still with this fool it is on YOU

This may come as a shock, but there's probably a lot more to their relationship than her boyfriend's clumsy attempts to initiate sex. Crazy, I know.

Wait , what ? ****. Wish I had stumbled upon this FML years ago.

WeirdUS 29

The fact that you put up with this for four years hoping something would change is odd. If he honestly doesn't understand that is not a turn on or why it might kill the mood he ain't going to change. But if you're convinced you want to stick it out maybe you should just spray him in the mouth with bitter apple.

You could always knee him in the balls every time he does it. If he still hasn't learned after the first few times then I'm sorry but their is no hope for him.

8313girl 28

I like how you turned him into Pavlov's dog lol

species4872 19

Maybe he should try mickey mouse voice instead.

I say it's time to let go. Personally, after six months I would have cut it if it still persisted. People don't change unless they want to.

species4872 19

A lot of people won't change even when they start to smell.

Make your own goofy voice to respond with, 'But a goofy voice and dry humping makes me so not horny' everytime he does it.

Yeah if he doesn't get it after that then there is no hope