By Murphy - 26/08/2018 03:30

Today, I bought ingredients for one of my favorite meals and went home to take a nap. When I woke up, my sister had cooked them for everyone else in the house, who ate it all without me. I was told that I shouldn't be angry, but instead proud of my adult sister because, "She cooked!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 067
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boopingsnoot 24

So, adult sister is gonna pay you back, right? Right?

start using her clothes ect, when she gets mad just say "oh well you helped yourself to my food i thought you wanted to share your stuff aswell"


winterChains 16

Jeez that’s messed up, but that’s what should be expected if you’re living in a house with other people... unless it’s specifically marked as yours, it’s free game.

Koios 30

If you didn't buy it, it's definitely not free game

I feel sorry for whoever is or will be your roommate.

roommate and living with family is no where near the same thing. roommates eat what they buy, family house everything is for everyone.

I always ask my roommate if I can have something. It’s common courtesy.

winterChains 16

I understand, but if they are at their parents house, and the sister is coming back from vacation, she wouldn’t know the groceries were OP’s...

And they couldn’t at least bother to wake her up to see if she wanted any? That’s the true FML right there.

start using her clothes ect, when she gets mad just say "oh well you helped yourself to my food i thought you wanted to share your stuff aswell"

RicàrdoPen 5

according to the gender tag, op is a dude.

boopingsnoot 24

So, adult sister is gonna pay you back, right? Right?

ncparry 18

Perhaps none of you should still live at home...

then you can be proud of her when she pays your bill like an adult

You should've said then good she can go to the store and get me dinner like an adult

thatslifeiguess7 16

what were you on that put you in such a deep sleep you couldn't smell it cooking

Do you personally know the layout of the OP's house? If not than you really shouldn't be so quick to judge. It's possible that with the door close the smell wasn't strong enough for them to notice without already being awake. It's also possible that the OP is just naturally a heavy sleeper or that their brain doesn't smell cooking food and immediately go "That must be mine! It's impossible that other people in this house own and eat food!" and cause them to wake up.

PenguinPal3017 19

Who wakes up from the smell of food? I've never been close enough to the kitchen and I don't usually sleep during the day, but I can't imagine that it would wake me up.

shannon.elizabeth 13

the only time I've woken up to the smell of food was sleeping on a couch next to my kitchen but even then i cant be sure if it was smell or sound that woke me

Lucky O'Guin 18

That was still very rude, regardless of who bought the food. If she cooked for everyone else in the house, she should have been cooking for OP as well. At the very least, ONE of them should have had the decency to offer to save a plate.

My thoughts exactly. If you're cooking for everyone in the house, save a plate for the person who isn't there

You bought the ingredients and they didn’t even leave some for you? Your whole family is inconsiderate.