By Saradee - 24/12/2012 04:55 - United States - Inglewood

Today, my boyfriend ended sex by yelling, "THIS IS SPARTA!" and using his foot to push me off the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 194
You deserved it 10 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Wear a chastity belt next time and scream," YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Roguedork19 8


Damn I wish there was a 'Like' button! Lol

TellMeWhatsDeath 14

This isn't Facebook. If you 'like' it, you can save it to your favourites.

Sounds like u have a winner for a boyfriend..........................NOT!

Where does this "don't have sex with him" bullshit advice come from? Bribing with sex? That sucks. No one should ever have to do that. Time to dump his ass to show him what really is Sparta.

Bribing with sex has been around since the dawn of time, for instance the ancient greek playwriter Aristophanes wrote a play, "Trojan women" about it, were the women refuse to have sex with their men as long as they continue to make war.

This is well-known and oh so old and persistent, though it invokes the idea that sex (a fortiori heterosexual sex) is strongly oriented to male desire and pleasure, which is awfully sad.

rogerdodgeroz 4
nicholasj96 9

My partner once ended sex with 'IMA FIRE MAH LAZORRRR!!!' It was epic and funny as ****.

WrongRomance 11

Well at least he enjoyed his last time sleeping with you.