By Laundrylady - 18/08/2009 20:52 - United States

Today, I was at the laundromat doing my clothes when I noticed a cute guy next to me. I tried to be a ninja and sneak my sock into his basket so I could start a conversation with him. He saw me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 474
You deserved it 71 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the **** kind of conversation are you going to start with a sock in his basket? "Oh hey I accidentally put this sock in your basket my name is crazy bitch, its nice to meet you!"

Jacks_Penguin 0

YDI for not knowing how to start conversations without pulling stupid stunts.


at least they can have a conversation now :D

HahaYDI 0

I'm replying to be seen at the top (Yeah, at least I admit it) Sounds like you are a stalker, might want to get a life maybe?

unkinged44 0

REAL real police finding real fmls so you dont have to (suck it fake police)

i agree. i'd be annoyed at you too, no matter how pretty you are.

a1mostevi1 0

Did you happen to be wearing your ninja suit that day? Because if you were even if he didn't catch you it would start a weird Convo and a new fml post. Today some chick dressed as a ninja put her nasty sock in my basket then tried to play it off.fml

F00tball_Playa 0
F00tball_Playa 0

YDI for being a fat ***** who would probably have eaten the socks if you weren't so obsessed with trying to get one complete stranger to notice how fat n ugly you are! OINK OINK BITCH!

turtlellama 0

GP08 that made me laugh so much!! Haha thank you!

kyle_kbo20 0


Alexxx_Anarchist 0

"I accidentally my whole sock in your basket." "The whole thing? Wow. Here you go.." *awkward silence* "Wanna shag?" "Sure, why not?"

CrackhouseDoug 0

YDI for not owning a laundry machine.

americayay 0

He must've thought you were crazy. I bet you are.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Maybe she just doesn't have great social skills. OP: Nice try, but fail :P

tpag3r 0

ilove you for being a girl that is cool enough to try to pull of ninjaskillz in public and i would suggest not trying anything like bras or panties until your skills improve

ohreally123 0

clearly she has no real ninja skills because she got caught.

Kiwi_Splash 0

HAHAH SAME! I love you for doing that. Although YDI, nice work. I hoped you never got caught :P Good luck with the guy hahah x

DeathByFalchion 0

At least it was only a sock. Stick to those until your ninja skills improve.

Jacks_Penguin 0

YDI for not knowing how to start conversations without pulling stupid stunts.

What the **** kind of conversation are you going to start with a sock in his basket? "Oh hey I accidentally put this sock in your basket my name is crazy bitch, its nice to meet you!"


I think she would have been like Hey How you doing, oh my socks couldnt find this anywhere haha yeah wats ur name? Johnny urs? Lenna wanna get lunch? Sure though it would have mor stubstance then this this would be the gist of it.

Gisellee 0

thats exactly what i was trying to figure out. hahaha.

Nono, 6. More like this. "Hey I accidentally put my sock in your basket Ha that's so crazy It's got my number in it So call me, maybe" *runs away*

haha , OP is obviously shy that's all


You tried to be a ninja? Thats pretty ******* funny lol

ryoga 0

FAIL I'm sorry, but Naruto is the lamest excuse for a ninja I have ever seen. Even White Ninja beats Naruto.

fmlthepornaddict 0

excuse me but naruto is the most popular manga in the world,and hes awesomely hot and rules,and he can also do all that ninja jazz,so dont go dissing something very popular cuz ppl will diss u back


xD Thanks for making me laugh :3 "Awesomely hot", eh? You're as bad as the Twilight addicts. And you're pathetic for thinking that I'm going to be scared about Naruto fans "dissing" me. Enjoy your future of dressing up your cats to look like Naruto :3

Most popular =/= best. Naruto is an insult towards ninjas like Twilight is an insult towards vampires. Besides, One Piece is way better. I wouldn't be surprised if the OP was wearing bright orange clothing.

Night22_fml 4

White ninja power!! Fight the failrutos!!

JSYK naruto is not by any means the most popular manga/anime in the world. In the US maybe, but not the world. I know that Fullmetal Alchemist outranks it in the anime capital of the world, Japan and I do believe that Bleach outranks it in the US. Inuyasha may as well. Do your research, dude. And to the OP, how exactly do you even start a conversation with a sock? are you like, Oh, there's that sock i've been'd it get there? Anyway, now that i've proven that i'm trying way too hard to start a conversation, want to go to lunch with me? I mean, really. Fail. YDI.

n1125 0

fullmetal alchemist is awesome.

Don't forget DBZ and Pokemon >_>

TurdMonkey 0

you, Ms laundrylady, are a conversation wizard

kcain_mvus 1

If this was mlia that would work